Research and experimentation
The results of exposure to an information signal in the format of AQUAINITIATOR on water
Sviatoslav Tarasenko conducted a series of experiments to study the reagent-free change in the properties of water (field transfer of the properties of donor objects to water).

The purpose of the experiment: to fix the result of the impact of information signals in the format of AQUAINITIATOR on water.
Description of the experiment: for frozen samples, tap water was taken, previously purified by a device with a multi-stage water conditioning system. Radioacoustic analogues of donor objects in the format of AQUAINITIATOR, made using a software and hardware complex based on special lasers, were taken.
AQUAINITIATORS were broadcast to the water for 5-15 minutes, in one version through active speakers, and in another version through the system correction apparatus of the “ISI” series of its own production.
The samples treated in this way were then immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and submitted for examination in a digital microscope.
At the very beginning of the experiment, control water samples were frozen and examined, which were not affected.
Photo report of the study
Control samples of frozen water (no impact)

Samples of frozen water after exposure to an information signal in the format of an AQUAINITIATOR

Samples of frozen water after exposure to an information signal in the format of an AQUAINITIATOR of silver and a complex extract from plants

Video report of research
In conclusion, the following may be noted:
- AQUAINITIATORS, transmitted using sound (range 16 Hz to 20,000 Hz) or light (range infrared to ultraviolet), have an effect on water, as evidenced by the appearance of various crystalline formations (marked in the photo by a circle) in frozen samples compared to control samples;
- AQUAINITIATORS are broadcast to the water using the system correction apparatus of the “ISI” series much more efficiently compared to sound speakers;
- a characteristic feature of the impact is the appearance of structures that we have not found anywhere before;
- in the images taken in the polarization mode, it is noted that the crystal structures have a field of an “unidentified” nature;
- AQUAINITIATORS equally effectively affect both water and metal (in our experiment, tin).
The most interesting fragments of the crystal structure of frozen water samples after exposure to field analogues of biologically active substances of natural origin.

Also, when we conduct additional experiments when exposing water to an information signal in the AQUAINITIATOR format of lemon, garlic, cranberry, dill, we note that the impact gives water changes (for example, taste). In our opinion, in this way it is possible to record information on water from dosage forms, since water takes the structure (and, accordingly, the properties) of the donor object from which information is supplied to the water.
From the foregoing, it can be seen that each translated signal changes the level of organization of the object of influence, which leaves its own unique “imprint” in the crystal structure of frozen water samples, which relatively (the technique has been developed) can be easily scanned, digitized and entered into a special knowledge base for subsequent analysis and synthesis. Our team is ready to conduct research in this direction.
Any object of living and almost all objects of inanimate nature contain water. The organization of the construction of hydrogen bonds both in the molecules of this water and between the molecules themselves determines the properties of the object. When an object is exposed to water by any physical fields, the structure of hydrogen bonds changes, and the properties of the object as a whole change.

In water, or rather, in its H-grid, intermolecular aquaphragments are formed according to the principles of self-similarity and hierarchy and therefore they have a fractal structure (fractal dimension dF = 2.28). Water bodies have a fractal structure: snowflakes, frost patterns on glass, the outlines of clouds, tree contours, the human vascular system, etc. Fractal objects are so diverse that no two are completely identical.
In the fractal structures of aquaphragments and in the supramolecular aquasystem, in general, both organization and chaos are harmoniously combined.
The basis of their harmony is the GOLDEN SECTION 1.618 (0.618), which corresponds to the geometry of the water molecule.
Normally, in the aquasystems of living organisms, the ratio of their organization / chaos, i.e. the level of their organization: i = I / S tends to 1.618 …
Water is a source of electromagnetic and acoustic radiation. Due to openness, thermodynamic disequilibrium and H-mesh properties, water is an auto-oscillating, nonlinear, multiparameter supramolecular aquasystem, has its own aqua radiation: acoustic and electromagnetic nature.
Acoustic radiation of the aqueous medium is caused by elastic vibrations of its aquaphragments and layers of water as a result of thermal and mechanical influences, especially in vortex modes. Acoustic radiation of water varies in intensity and broadband from fractions of Hz to THz.
The electromagnetic radiation of water is caused by fluctuations in its dipole molecules, H+ and OH- ions, and a single H-grid, which provide oscillatory-excited states of the aquasystem under normal conditions.
Electromagnetic radiation of water is low-intensity (W < 10 -10 W/ cm2) and pulsed in a wide frequency range (from 0.01 to 1015 Hz).
The vibrations of water’s aqua emissions are modulated by the level of organization of the aqua fragments of its H-grid, including the aqua models of the impact.
The presence of water’s own aqua emissions indicates that water is a natural universal radio system.
For the first time, the term “aquacommunication” was introduced by Doctor of Chemical Sciences Valery Ivanovich Slesareva.
Aquacommunication is the ability of water to display, preserve, lose, transmit the properties of the donor object (manifested in the level of organization of the grid of hydrogen bonds and aquaphragments) or the acting field, encoding it in the structure of some aquafragmentations of the hydrogen grid with the formation of appropriate aquamodels of the effect. Diploma No. 281 for the opening “The phenomenon of aquacommunication in water-containing environments”, the priority of the opening of 15.12.2001.
“The information contained in the genome is not enough to control the development of the organism. In this regard, the location of the actual instructions and mechanisms of genome functioning remains unclear. This paper suggests that genome information plays the role of a “barcode.” The structure of DNA is a pseudorandom number (PSCH) with classification labels, and thus organisms are characterized by their DNA, according to the same principle with which books in the library are characterized by catalog numbers. Refining the interpretation of DNA as a “barcode” implies that the infrastructure of the physical universe is a place for processing biological information. Thanks to the PPP contained in dna, biological objects can share these agents in the mode of multiple access code division (CDMA), similar to the standard used in the field of cellular communications. Figuratively speaking, populations of biological objects in the physical universe are represented as a community of Internet users with wireless CDMA access. The phenomenon of Life as a process of processing collective information is very distantly related to physics and should be considered from the point of view of the methodology of technical design. The concept of DNA functioning as a “barcode” comes into conflict with descriptive scientific theories regarding a unique functional scheme for controlling biological information. Acknowledging this concept will require abandoning the existing worldview regarding modern cosmology.”
S. Berkovich
On the “barcode” functionality of the DNA, or The phenomenon of Life in the physical Universe
Simon Y. Berkovich is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, the American Physical Society, and the European Academy of Sciences. He has made a number of contributions to fundamental information processing algorithms and has written several books, including Mutual Synchronization in a Network of Digital Clocks as the Key Cellular Automation Mechanism of Nature. According to this George Washington University professor, “Technology of today is the science of tomorrow.”